Featured Speakers

About Our Featured Speakers

We have an excellent program featuring Dimitris Anastasiou, Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University, Kathryn Maki, Ph.D. from the University of Florida and an informal conversation with Daniel P. Hallahan, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus from the University of Virginia and Cruickshank Advisee,

Dimitris Anastasiou, Ph.D. will be addressing three key pillars upon which serving students with disabilities should be based: a) rigorous research field and academic discipline, b) Specially designed instruction to meet atypical learning needs and c) service delivery models focused on promoting equality of opportunity, equity, and social justice. Discussion will focus on opportunities and challenges related to the three key pillars, particularly for students with LD in reading and writing. Questions to spur discussion include:

  1. Why should we label students as having LD and not just teach them?
  2. How may today’s dyslexia advocacy movement across several states affect the three pillars? 
  3. Should teachers and other school professionals be held responsible for potential minority over-representation within the LD label? 

Kathryn Maki, Ph.D. will discuss issues underlying identification of specific learning disabilities in schools and will present research findings highlighting challenges with identification decision making. Then, it will focus on the utility of focusing on treatment response within SLD identification and functional assessment practices to promote meaningful SLD identification, treatment planning, and ultimately appropriate supports to meet children’s needs.

Daniel P. Hallahan, Ph.D will be engaging in an informal conversation guided by questions posed by the IARLD community. Do you have a question you’d like Professor Hallahan to address? Submit it here