
Membership in this class is open to representatives of all professional disciplines in the field of learning disabilities. To become an Academy Fellow of IARLD, individuals are nominated by a Fellow. The Fellow makes a recommendation in a Nominator’s Letter (see below) to the Fellows Membership Committee.

The Nominee for Fellow

The Nominee’s submission and all supporting documentation should be made in English.

Nominees should download the Personal Data Form for Fellow, complete the form and save it. Nominees should have an electronic copy of their CV and at least two electronic copies of recent publications (peer-reviewed) ready for attaching to an email.


In completing the Personal Data Form for Fellow the Nominee should provide comprehensive information and evidence so that the Fellow Membership Committee can make a judgment about the nomination based on the following required criteria:

  1. Is a leading researcher, recognized nationally and/or internationally for his/her contribution to the scientific knowledge and understanding of learning disabilities, and
  2. Has achieved scholarly distinction in the field of learning disabilities, and
  3. Has made a distinguished contribution to learning disabilities research, and
  4. Has published research articles in peer-reviewed journals in the academic literature.
    – The Nominee should indicate the nature of the journals (e.g., refereed; basic research/applied; research-based; practitioner-oriented; policy etc.)
    – In the case of publications that are not in English, abstracts and summaries should be provided in English.

An Academy Fellow is admitted for life unless unethical activities or malpractice result in termination of membership, and so long as membership fees are paid.

The Nominator for Fellow

The Nominator should send an email and/or attach a letter of nomination about the nominee to an email and send it to the Vice President/Chair of the Fellows Membership Committee listed below.

A sample of content of the nomination letter for Fellow has been provided. See Sample of Nominator’s Letter. In their Nominator’s letter, the Nominator should comment on how the Nominee meets the criteria for a Fellow. Nominators also need to provide information that can support the nomination. This could include judgement about:

  • Caliber/quality of the work
  • The impact of the work in the field, knowledge mobilization
  • Impact of the journals in the English-speaking communities, and H-factor if possible (see http://www.benchfly.com/blog/h-index-what-it-is-and-how-to-find-yours/ )
  • The extent to which the majority of the work focuses on our understanding of learning disabilities
  • If necessary, the Fellowships Committee may need to co-opt a researcher, preferably an IARLD Fellow, who reads and writes in the particular language of the nominee (if that language is not English) to provide an evaluation of the caliber of the candidate in terms of the above criteria.


The Nominator and the Nominee should each email their nomination materials for Academy Fellow to:

Michal Al-Yagon, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of School Counseling and Special Education
Constantiner School of Education
Head, Research Laboratory for Vulnerability and Strength in Youth with SLD & ADHD and their Families and Communities
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel
E-mail: alyagon@tauex.tau.ac.ilalyagon@post.tau.ac.il
Website: https://education.tau.ac.il/research/adhd_lab